What You’ll Hear:
- Definitions of sex + gender +intersex
- Sex is a functional category defined by the gametes you reproduce. Males produce sperm; females produce eggs.
- Sex is binary
- Gender is the social and cultural attributes and rules based on their sex
- Intersex is a mismatch between phenotype and genotype, or when sex based on observation is not obvious
- How common is intersex? Ambiguous genitalia is about 1 in 5000. (The origin of misinformation of intersex as 1 in 200, as common as redheads)
- Evidence of intersex increasing
- Explanatory power and unifying systems of evolution and astrology
- Is evolutionary biology equivalent to Darwinism?
- How evolutionary biology helps us understand female sexuality.
- How humans differ from animals- brain size, large energetically expensive brain related to the placenta, walk on two legs, intense social nature
- Are humans monogamous? Or Non-monogamous?
- Sex for pleasure, social reasons or reproduction
- Possible immunological benefit to monogamy- preeclampsia study as an example
- Female as coy, shy strategy waiting for males to come to them. Darwin in Victorian England. Female in estrus are aggressive and search out mates
- Strip clubs tips change based on where a woman is during her cycle!
- Role of homogenous spaces, same sex as well as same gender places
- Females produce a larger gamete, by definition females invest more heavily in reproduction and take on more risk, which presents asymmetry in the sexes.
- Why doesn’t the male get to decide about abortion
- Role of homogenous spaces, same sex, same gender places
- Controversy of Vancouvers women’s center that is female only
- Body, felt sense of sex. Our perception of sex is adaptive for coding for “female” and “male” for saefty
- Preferred gender pronouns and Using respectful pronouns
- Birth and gender
- Learning about sexuality through 1st person experience, kids coming to explorations through different avenues.
- Reductionist biology- we are pieces and parts and can just dismantle and take them apart
- Human pregnancy is much more expensive and risky than any other species
- Testosterone has a negative influence on fertility
- Fertility as an industry, and its impact on women
- Aquarian battle of the old and new. Futuristic and technological androgynous planet
- We felt controlled by reproduction and now we want control over it, rather than surrendering to our body
- Menopause is rare, grandmother investment